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McKeon Products, Inc. Internet Sales Policy

McKeon Products, Inc. (“McKeon”) has the right to limit distribution outlets and has adopted the following internet sales policy to apply to its products listed on the internet.  For all such products, only firms approved to do so in writing, may offer, advertise or sell these products on the internet or through e-commerce.  If any other firm sells any of these products on the internet, it will be in violation of this policy.

McKeon’s marketing strategy and distribution policy requires the highest level of discipline in order to support its brand image.  McKeon believes its brand can be adversely affected through the proliferation of sales of these branded products through e-commerce. Excessive sales efforts in e-commerce can also undermine the commitment of other sellers to provide an appropriate level of service, merchandising, advertising and promotion in the support of the McKeon brand strategy and equity.

McKeon resellers must apprise all their customers who are resellers of McKeon products of the terms of this policy.  All McKeon resellers are required to not sell McKeon products to firms who are in violation of this policy.  Any such sales to unauthorized internet resellers are themselves in violation of this policy.

McKeon reserves the right to terminate all sales of these products to any firms in violation of any part of this policy, and to take any other steps that it deems appropriate.

McKeon has adopted this policy unilaterally in furtherance of its independent business strategy.  No McKeon employee or representative has been or will be authorized to modify or change this policy for any particular retailer.  McKeon alone will implement, interpret and enforce this policy in its own independent judgment.

McKeon cannot and will not discuss its internet sales policy with any party, and all actions taken consistent with this policy are at the sole discretion of McKeon.

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